Infertility & Miscarriage

Trying to Conceive through Fertility Charting Alone

We focus on empowering women and men to know and understand their bodies and appreciate the importance of natural reproductive health to overall health and well-being.

We achieve this through our fertility advisory services that incorporate a science-based charting method, the NeoFertility method, and reproductive health education

All our client couples learn how to track and interpret their natural menstrual cycles.  

They will also know how best to use their fertile window to conceive.

Supported by a fertility advisor, the couple will use the Chart Neo app to track their natural cycles.

Some of our couples will become pregnant naturally without medical support by charting well and maximising their chances during their fertile window.

Introducing Restorative Reproductive Medicine

Many couples require medical support, including both surgical and non-surgical methods, to help them conceive or maintain a pregnancy. 

Restorative Reproductive Medicine, or RRM, is any scientific approach to reproductive medicine that seeks to cooperate with or restore the normal physiology and anatomy of the human reproductive system. 

It does not employ methods that are inherently suppressive, circumventive or destructive, such as artificial insemination, IVF or ICSI.

This approach respects the integrity of the human person and the right of women and men to have access to reproductive health care that respects their right to understand and cooperatively manage their own fertility, with appropriate medical assistance.

RRM is steeped in science and reproductive medicine. The entire range of reproductive health can be addressed through RRM includes:

Infertility - male and female

Advanced maternal age (40+)

Low Ovarian Reserve



Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome


Premature Birth

Recurrent Miscarriages

Ovarian Cysts

Irregular Vaginal Bleeding

and many more!

There is no such thing as "Unexplained Infertility" in our dictionary.

Is there an alternative to IVF?

With a normalised and optimised reproductive system, the couple may, in turn, conceive naturally more easily.

We refer our clients to NeoFertility, a leading RRM fertility clinic based in Dublin, Ireland (no travel is needed for UK patients).

Success Rates with NeoFertilty

61.7% conception rate with Neo Fertility
53.6% adjusted live birth rates with all patients of Neo Fertility
32.1% live birth rate for failed IVF patients with Neo Fertility
80.6% live birth rate after recurrent miscarriages with Neo Fertility

Comparison of success rates between Neo Fertility and IVF

See our blog post here for more details.

In our experience, we strongly believe that NeoFertility is the leader in non-IVF fertility treatments in Western Europe.  NeoFertility offers couples wishing to conceive naturally the best chance of success.

Infertility Treatment Plan

The Infertility Treatment Plan is gentle, restorative, non-invasive and unique for each couple.

Neo Fertility Phase 1: Identify issues & causes (2-5 cycles)

Phase 1

Diagnose (2-5 cycles)

Neo Fertility Phase 2: Balancing the fertility cycle (1-6 cycles)

Phase 2

Balance (1-6 cycles)

Neo Fertility Phase 3: Allowing conception (1-12 cycles)

Phase 3

Enjoy (1-12 cycles)

Early Pregnancy Support during first trimester

Even after a positive pregnancy test, NeoFertility continues to monitor and support the woman in order to reduce the risk of miscarriages, until NHS maternity care begins:

Backed by science and research, this early pregnancy protocol is unique to RRM and has repeatedly delivered for women who would otherwise suffer from miscarriages. 

Unique NeoFertility offerings

An effective alternative to IVF

Higher rate of success

Neo works where IVF doesn't

Affordable fertility treatment

An ethical alternative

Holistic & Rooted in Science

Identify & Solve the Reasons for Infertility

Improve overall health

Restore fertility

Be Empowered to understand Your cycle

Unique treatment for the couples

Encourage a deeper understanding and connection with your body