What is Chart Neo?

On this article, I would like to clarify a term that we commonly use within our fertility advisory practice.

Chart Neo is your 21st century go-to app for fertility charting.  Download from www.chartneo.com.

Chart Neo is the 21st century go-to app for anyone wishing to track their natural reproductive cycle and unlock its potential.

It is co-developed by the owner of the NeoFertility clinic in Ireland, Dr Phil Boyle. 

For anyone who are with the NeoFertility clinic, for any kind of treatments, we strongly recommend you use the Chart Neo app to track your menstrual cycles.

If you are trying to conceive, or to stay pregnant to term, or to track their reproductive health

This awesome app allows you to track a wide range of biomarkers, or observable signs, that are indicative of their reproductive health.  The observables are like the pieces in a big puzzle, which together inform the bigger picture of your reproductive health.

And important for medical assessment, you can also capture a range of test results throughout your menstrual cycle:

If you are trying to avoid pregnancies naturally

You can enter all of the observations already listed above.

In addition, if you have serious reasons to avoid, you can switch on a stricter Fertile-day prediction algorithm: 

Your data is safe and private in the app

The app is compliant to regulatory requirements in the US (HIPPA) and in Europe/UK (GDPR) and your data is all secured.

Your data will never ever be sold either.

A true partnership with your fertility healthcare providers

You can elect to share (and un-share) you data in the app with your fertility advisor, as well as the NeoFertility clinic.

As a result there is no more pieces of paper being insecurely passed via emails. 

The advisory and clinic processes that support you work seamlessly with this app.

This allows our advisors to review your chart in real-time basis, and to respond to any time-sensitive questions you may have very quickly.

And best of all, the Chart Neo app is open to any fertility-awareness based method.

You can imagine the app as a hold-all; you can throw almost anything into it.

The Chart Neo app speaks the collective science behind all of the fertility-awareness based methods.

Therefore, with the Chart Neo app, you can track your cycle, in your method of choice: Creighton Model FertilityCare system, the Billings Ovulation Method, Sympto-Thermal Method, Marquette Method etc.

We highly recommend the use of the NeoFertility Method with the Chart Neo app.  

The Chart Neo app is available here and in 10 languages, inc the more popular English, Spanish and Portuguese.

The app costs less than USD10 or EUR10 a year.  Your app comes free for the first year if you have a monthly subscription with us.

So why will I need a fertility advisor if there is an app?

While the Chart Neo app can be used without the support of a fertility advisor, i.e. on a solo basis, you will be more successful with a fertility advisor as your partner, especially at the beginning of your journey.

It is important to note that

Our fertility advisors are there to help you become more fertility-aware and body-literate.  We offer you what the app cannot, namely a body of knowledge on how to interpret and use the data in the app correctly.

Some of the key topics we cover in our teaching sessions include:

In addition, our subscription clients receive our continuous time-sensitive support throughout their cycles.  You will get help when you need it most, and not only at the time of our meetings.