Book Review: It Starts with the Egg

Prompted by good reviews from some friends, I was eager to hear from Rebecca Fett the science behind egg quality.

Driven by her own quest for children, the author set out to answer the following question:

Can the human egg quality be improved? and if so, how?

For her private quest, the answer was a clear Yes.

Along the way she observed that many couples trying to conceive could also benefit from what she had discovered for herself.

Overview of the book

The book is split into 3 sections:

  1. The Science of Egg Quality

  2. How to Choose the Right Supplements

  3. The Bigger Picture regarding Diet and Sperm Quality

The Science of Egg Quality is most fascinating. This section opens my eyes in my understanding of the chromosomal development in the very early stage of the fertilised egg. In my opinion, this is key to understanding everything about getting and staying pregnancy.

Since the author already knew, through her own journey, that egg quality can be improved by reducing the risk of chromosomal anomalies, the rest of the book in turn focuses on the strategies that one could take, in terms of supplements and diets, to help support that.

The supplement section is by far the bulk of the book.

The diet section is light, but I see that the author has a second recipe book on fertility diet.

What is great about the book?

With a degree in molecular biology, I am just grateful that she took the effort to analyse the great body of scientific papers and evidences from real people (most of them have been on IVF cycles). It is impressive from this perspective.

Despite the complexity in the science of fertility, the book is very easy to read book and is suitable for the general public. I finished it in just over a day.

The material is very comprehensive and current. I am impressed with how up-to-date the material is. Almost a third of the book is all the research references she went through to support her material.

There are 3 simple action plans, ranging from basic, intermediate and advanced, to suit couples who are just starting out, those who have struggled to conceive, to those who are planning to have assisted fertility treatment.

There is special material focusing on those who are suffering from PCOS and Endometriosis. There is also material on preventing miscarriages.

Where can the book do better?

A big downside is the lack of a search Index. I would strongly hope to see an index in its future editions.

The book is heavy on the supplements. However there is also a case against having too much supplements. For example you can search on the phrase "antioxidants paradox", which is when too much antioxidants may cause more harm than good.

Did I know the material already?

Some of them yes, some were indeed new to me and I am grateful for Rebecca and her contribution.

Although I may have heard of many of the material mentioned, for example, the negative affects on the general use of plastics in our home (as well as the remedy), I now have more concrete evidence than before.

Would I recommend this to my clients?

Yes is the short answer, with some caveats (see below)

I think its greatest strength is that it is a single place that draws and collects from a vast body of science research and evidences.

It is suitable for any couples looking to build their family, naturally and/or with treatment.

Last Thoughts & Comments

The book has put real evidence-based weight on the woman to prepare for conception. It advocates 2-3 months eating well with supplements in order to prepare the body for conception (IVF or otherwise).

For our clients who are going onto Neo Fertility, or are already on the Neo Fertility treatment plan, supplements are recommended based on blood tests and needs. My advice there is to always work with, and get a steer from, your doctor.

For all other clients trying to conceive on their own - my recommendation is to consider a food-first approach. This means

  1. Adopt a Mediterranean diet that is high in colourful fruits and vegetables, nuts, fish, and olive oil;

  2. Reduce your intake in carbohydrates, gluten and sugar.

  3. Reduce processed and refined foods.

  4. Start with a general pre-conception supplements for both man and woman, plus EPAs, Vitamin B12 and folate.

  5. Then, and only then, consider adding some of the extra supplements from the book, that may be specific to your situation.

There is also a Facebook Group for readers (need to answer questions from the book), which I have found complimentary and rather useful.

The book is available on Amazon.