Services & Plans

You can access our services from anywhere in the UK

In addition to 1-on-1 zoom calls with our clients, we walk alongside our clients by following their charting at a near real-time basis.

The unique value of our service lies in our advisors being there for our clients, when they need help most.

Below are our offerings and prices for 2025. 

For Couples on Treatment for Infertility or Miscarriage

Initial Session for Infertility £120 (Book)

For new client couples who are new patients with NeoFertility, or are considering the NeoFertility treatment plan with either the Irish or UK clinic


max 120 minutes 

1-on-1 focus with both man and woman

Deep dive into your situation and history

Physiology for natural fertility

Natural reproductive processes

Concept of fertility restoration

Introduction to NeoFertility charting method

How to improve chances of natural conception

Walkthrough of the NeoFertility Treatment Plan~

Personalised Q&A

Support for lab and blood works

Dietary, supplements & lifestyle advice

No obligation to continue

~ Anyone in the UK can be on treatment with NeoFertility without having to visit Dublin or Ireland.  All diagnostic tests and prescriptions can be secured from your home location.

NFM Partnership Plan £45 per month

Couples starting with this plan can proceed onto the NeoFertility Treatment Plan without an Initial Medical Consultation, saving €250 (Irish clinic only).


Run in parallel with NeoFertility Treatment Plan

1-on-1 zoom call every 2-3 months

Ongoing review with Secure Messaging support

Quick/ASAP Response to Time-sensitive questions

Support for lab and blood works

Discounts on tests from partner labs

Blood tests via post

Dietary, supplementary & lifestyle advice

1-year subscription of the Chart Neo app

Minimum spend is £360, or Minimum Term of 8 months^

Discounted Tempdrop (25% off*)

14-day cooling period

Cancel any time^

Direct debit


NeoFertility Treatment Plan with NeoFertility in Ireland €2000+

Or NeoFertility Treatment Plan with Dr Eileen Reilly in the UK £1600+

Lab and blood works.  Your GP may offer to sponsor your blood and semen analysis tests on the NHS.

Ultrasound scans that may be required by the NeoFertility Treatment Plan

All surgical procedures that may be recommended


Initial Session for Infertility

For Couples on Fertility Awareness

Initial Sessions for Fertility Awareness £80 (Book)

For new client couples who wish to learn how to harness their natural fertility in avoiding pregnancies.  

Also suitable for those couples who wish to achieve pregnancies without any medical support.  Suitable for those couples where the woman is under 38 years old and without medical concerns in getting pregnant.


Max 90 minutes

1-on-1 with both man and woman

Physiology for natural fertility

Natural reproductive processes

Concept of fertility awareness for both avoiding and achieving pregnancies

Introduction to the NeoFertility charting method

Personalised Q&A

Pre-marriage support for engaged couples (if relevant)

No obligation to continue

NFM Confidence Plan £45 per month


1-on-1 zoom call every 2 months

Ongoing review with Secure Messaging support

Quick/ASAP Response to Time-sensitive questions

1-year subscription of the Chart Neo app

Minimum spend is £270, or Minimum Term of 6 months^

Discounted Tempdrop (25% off*)

14-day cooling period

Cancel any time^

Direct debit


Initial Session for Fertility Awareness

For Women on Health 

Initial Session for Health £80 (Book)

For new clients who may have health issues; may or may not be under medical management.


Max 60 minutes


Physiology for natural fertility

Natural reproductive processes

Introduction to the NeoFertility charting method

Introduction to the chartneo app

Personalised Q&A

No obligation to continue

NFM Core Plan £45 per month


1-on-1 zoom call every 2 months

Ongoing review with Secure Messaging support

Quick/ASAP Response to Time-sensitive questions

1-year subscription of the Chart Neo app

Minimum spend is £180, or Minimum Term of 4 months^

Discounted Tempdrop (25% off*)

14-day cooling period

Cancel any time^

Direct debit


Initial Session for Health

For Women with previous charting experience

PAYG for Experienced Users £80 (Book)

Suitable for those women who have been taught how to chart cervical mucus before using a different method and wish to switch to chart using the NeoFertility via the chartneo app instead.


Max 60 minutes


Introduction to the NeoFertility charting method

Introduction to the chartneo app

Personalised Q&A

No obligation to continue

NFM Core Plan £45 per month

If you have not been taught how to chart your cervical mucus before or you are self-taught, then this plan is not suitable for you.  The above section, titled "For Couples on Fertility Awareness", will be a better option for you.


1-on-1 zoom call every 2 months

Ongoing review with Secure Messaging support

Quick/ASAP Response to Time-sensitive questions

1-year subscription of the Chart Neo app

Minimum Spend is £180, or Minimum Term of 4 months^

Discounted Tempdrop (25% off*)

14-day cooling period

Cancel any time^

Direct debit


You have been taught the basics of human reproductive system (man and woman).  

You have a good understanding of the changes in the ovary and in the endometrial lining throughout the menstrual cycle, and the functions of progesterone and oestrogen. 

You have some experience of charting your cervical mucus.

^ We are committed to supporting you on your learning during the Minimum Term.  We believe the Minimum Term is the minimum amount of time for you to become independent with your own natural fertility management (with or without the medical support).

If you do become pregnant while on our plan, your subscription will stop when NHS takes over your prenatal care at the time of your first scan at the start of the second trimester, around 12 weeks.  This could be before the end of the Minimum Term.

Subject to our discretion solely, we may also accept your request to terminate earlier than your Minimum Term if your circumstance changes significantly.  This will be assessed on an individual basis.

* Our discount is based off the total price of a tempdrop shipped from the US, inclusive of p&p and custom charges, into the UK.